( vii) radio-controlled toys, walkie-talkies, or any other radio transmission equipments; or any other items that may upset other visitors, or cause bodily injury or property damage to other visitors, or disturb the public order or security within the Expo Site. (七)无线电遥控玩具、对讲机等无线电发射设备;其他可能妨碍他人参观、造成他人人身伤害或财产损失、扰乱园区秩序和危害园区安全的物品。
Any other items that may upset other visitors, or cause bodily injury or property damage to other visitors, or disturb the public order or security within the Expo Site. 其他可能妨碍他人参观、造成他人人身伤害或财产损失、扰乱园区秩序和危害园区安全的物品。
In general, under standard Commercial General Liability ( CGL) policies, coverage for bodily injury claims is far broader than for property damage claims. 通常情况下,在标准综合责任保险政策中,人身损害的赔偿范围要远远大于财产损失的赔偿范围。
If through the negligence of a motor vehicle driver on the road, you suffer bodily injury you are entitled to claim compensation. 任何人仕若在一宗在道路上因驾驶人疏忽而导致的交通意外中身体受伤,即有权索取赔偿。
Death or severe bodily injury can occur due to high electric voltage. 高电压可能致人死亡或严重伤害身体。
If the circumstances are especially serious, or a person's serious bodily injury or death is caused, the offender shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or death. 情节特别严重的或者致人重伤、死亡的,处无期徒刑或者死刑。
If the offense involved an express or implied threat of death, bodily injury, or kidnapping, increase by2 levels. 如果罪行涉及以明示或暗示方式用死亡、身体伤害或绑架相威胁,则增加2级。
"Serious bodily injury" means injury involving extreme physical pain or the protracted impairment of a function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; “严重的身体伤害”(Seriousbodilyinjury)意为伤害涉及到极端的身体痛苦或身体部位、组织和智力功能的无法控制的损害(protractedimpairment);
Bodily Injury, Property Damage 人身伤害,财产损毁
Any hijacker who causes serious bodily injury to or death of any other person, or serious damage to the aircraft, shall be sentenced to death. 致人重伤、死亡或者使航空器遭受严重破坏的,处死刑。
I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them. 如果为了及时完工而受到的身体伤害数量越大,我就越不会及时做完这项工作。
Bodily Injury, Property Damage work harm, mischief, havoc 人身伤害,财产损毁造成伤害、损害、毁坏
"Permanent or life-threatening bodily injury" means injury involving a substantial risk of death; “永久的或危及生命的身体伤害”(Permanentorlife-threateningbodilyinjury)意为伤害涉及到引起死亡的实质性风险;
If the offense involved ( A) the conscious or reckless risk of death or serious bodily injury; 如果罪行涉及(A)有意或故意冒着死亡或严重身体伤害的危险;
If the victim sustained bodily injury, increase by2 levels. 如果被害人遭受身体伤害,则增加2级。
It promises to defend and indemnify business owners from liability for accidental bodily injury and property damage to third parties, with certain exclusions. 它承诺为商业所有者提供不包括除外责任造成的第三方的意外人身伤害和财产损失保障和补偿。
Passenger's voluntary insurance Passengers can purchase insurance at their option with an insurance company for accidental death or any unexpected bodily injury for passenger domestic air transportation. To insure, as against loss. 旅客保险旅客可以自愿向保险公司投保国内航空运输旅客人身意外伤害险。
Finally, enhancements are provided for permanent, life-threatening, or serious bodily injury and abduction. 最后,加重刑罚适用于永久的、危及生命的、严重的身体伤害和绑架。
A departure may be warranted, for example, in a case involving a sex offense committed against a minor or if the offense resulted in serious bodily injury to a minor. 该偏离可能是允许的,例如,针对未成年人的性犯罪或犯罪导致未成年人的严重身体伤害。
Upward Departure Provision.& If the offense created a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to more than one person, an upward departure may be warranted. 向上偏离规定:如果罪行致使多人有实质性死亡危险或严重身体伤害,则向上偏离是允许的。
Whenever referred to in this policy "personal injury" shall mean bodily injury, disease, illness, shock, mental anguish or mental injury. 本保险单中,人身伤害一词是指身体伤害、疾病、生病、休克、精神痛苦或精神伤害。
"Dangerous weapon" means ( I) an instrument capable of inflicting death or serious bodily injury; “凶器”(Dangerousweapon)意为:(i)能够致人死亡或严重身体伤害的器具;
That is, acting under a reasonable belief that the force was immediately necessary to protect against death or serious bodily injury. 即有理由相信使用暴力抵抗是为了保护自己受到死亡威胁或严重的身体伤害。
An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another. 非法恐吓或试图对他人进行人身伤害。
Covers your legal liability to third parties for accidental bodily injury or loss of or damage to property whilst in the course of your business operation. 保障由于业务运作,导致第三方身体意外受伤或财产遗失或损坏所需要担负的法律责任。
Illness, infectious disease or any bodily injury or death which is not caused solely and directly by violent accidental external and visible means. 疾病、传染病或非因意外事故而引致的受伤或死亡。
An assault that involves the presence of a dangerous weapon is aggravated in form when the presence of the dangerous weapon is coupled with the intent to cause bodily injury. 当凶器和致人身体伤害的意图同时出现,则涉及凶器出现的行凶将被加重。
Once the liability is tenable, damages cover bodily injury, property loss and spirit damage. 但一旦责任成立,赔偿的范围即包括人身损害、财产损失和精神损害。
If the drivers or operators are exposed to a certain intensity of vibration for long time, which will affects their work effectiveness, even serious bodily injury. 如果驾驶员或操作者长时间暴露于一定强度的振动中,将影响到其工作效率,严重的还会导致身体损伤。